Vacation Boarding
For list of amenities provided in pet boarding along with steps to book slots and process flow, click here.
Select Pet and choose from options whether it is :
9 Hours Daycare - Same day arrival and departure of pet for upto 9 hours. Post 9 hours, it will be charged as 24 Hours Boarding.
24 Hours Boarding - If pet arrives with in the time-slots i.e. at 4 pm on 05th April, stay will be valid till the next 24 hours post arrival. For multiple days or month, you can increase the count of days and place order.
Get 1 FREE Vacation Boarding Days(worth Rs.1049/-) + 1 FREE Comprehensive Grooming Session(worth Rs 1849/-*) at Rs 2499/- with validity of 1 year. On top of that, you will enjoy lowest price guarantee across all other pet needs such as 20% Flat Off on all future boardings and grooming sessions until 1 year etc.
So, Let's say for ULTRA members,
(24 Hours) pricing will be 840/- per 24 hours and for non-members, it is 1049/-.
Daycare(9 Hours) pricing will be 520/- and for non-members, it is 649/-. It is in case of 9 Hours Boarding.
Please contact team to know about membership plans available.
Arrival & departure should be with in the timelines i.e. 9 am - 7 pm. 1 Hour extension is given to the all membership users at both the ends.
Here is one of the videos uploaded on our youtube channel for your reference.
Still have some questions, Do check our frequently asked questions by community here.